Adopting CSS Tricks-Style Menus, Hipsterized

One of the things I often see sites struggle with is having consistent, coherent menus across devices and orientations. Our site is no different, so it’s something I keep in mind when working on this redesign. Many variables go into making a good menu, and I’ve found that there is no good one-size-fits-all – you need to look at what you need and build accordingly. Continue reading “Adopting CSS Tricks-Style Menus, Hipsterized”

em, rem, px or %: The font-size Dilemma

I’m just gonna throw the question out there: What is the right font-size to use for body text on a website?

Well, that is a really good question!

I’d been wrestling with that recently when trying to pick a good one for the 20-30 site. Googling the answer brings up the above sites and more, which presents a problem — many of them are stale. A couple of results were from last year, but still others were from 2012, 2011, 2010 and earlier. Hell, the first page even included this page from W3C originally written in 2003 and last updated in 2010, encouraging webmasters to use CSS instead of the <font> tag! Continue reading “em, rem, px or %: The font-size Dilemma”