Sticky Hovers, Part 1: @media Queries

Let’s take a trip back in time to 1998. May 12th, 1998, to be exact. It was a simpler time — the Lewinsky scandal was dominating American politics, Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls were on their way to a second three-peat in basketball, and Billboard’s #1 song was about getting… “excited” when grinding with your girl on the dance floor:

1. “You’re makin’ it hard for me…” ಠ_ಠ #

May 12th was also the day that the CSS2 specification became a recommendation. In addition to adding support for features like media types, relative/absolute positioning and minimum/maximum widths and heights, CSS2 introduced the :hover pseudo-class to the others carried over from CSS1. Continue reading “Sticky Hovers, Part 1: @media Queries”

Adopting CSS Tricks-Style Menus, Hipsterized

One of the things I often see sites struggle with is having consistent, coherent menus across devices and orientations. Our site is no different, so it’s something I keep in mind when working on this redesign. Many variables go into making a good menu, and I’ve found that there is no good one-size-fits-all – you need to look at what you need and build accordingly. Continue reading “Adopting CSS Tricks-Style Menus, Hipsterized”